Technology Stack:
1. Frontend:
HTML, Tailwind CSS, JavaScript: Core technologies for building web interfaces.
React.js: A popular JavaScript library for building user interfaces, known for its efficiency in handling dynamic content.
Redux: A state management library often used with React to manage the state of the application.
2. Backend:
2FA (Two-Factor Authentication): For enhanced user account security.
Spring Boot, JWT, RESTful APIs, Gemini API, CoinGecko API, Java Mail Sender, Payment Gateways: Stripe, Paypal
3. Database : PostgresSQL
Leverage AI Chat Bot: Designed to handle crypto-related queries, providing real-time data on cryptocurrency values and market conditions using the Gemini API and CoinGecko API.
User-Friendly Interface: Facilitate smooth cryptocurrency transactions with an intuitive buy and sell interface.
Wide Range of Cryptocurrencies: Support for a diverse array of cryptocurrencies.
Robust Tools: Equip users with powerful tools to monitor investments and track performance effectively.
Wallet to Wallet Transfer: Securely transfer funds between wallets.
Withdrawal to Bank Account: Directly withdraw funds to bank accounts.
Add Balance to Wallet: Easily top up wallet balances.
Withdrawal History: View and track past withdrawals.
Wallet History: Access detailed logs of all wallet transactions.
Effortless Search: Search for any cryptocurrency with ease, providing essential information for informed trading decisions.
Login & Register: Simple and secure user authentication processes.
Two-Factor Authentication: Provide an extra layer of security for user accounts.
Forgot Password: Implement an easy password recovery process.
XEM THÊM ==> Hướng dẫn cài đặt chi tiết
If you encounter difficulties during the installation process. Please contact via email after downloading the code
Nguồn: Topcode.vn
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