[Mã code 34434]

Mãn nguồn trang web thi trắc nghiệm và học trưc tuyến - Vina Elearning & Online Course Website

  (1 Đánh giá)
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What is "Vina Elearning Management System" or VLMS? - VLMS is a web script which was written by Hung Nguyen, using Laravel framework and MySQL. - It uses Twitter bootstrap v3.x for enhancing GUI.

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File download
 vlms.elearning.com.zip [124.5 MB]
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Source code

Đánh giá (4)

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User: abc@gmail.com / 123456
Instructor: peter@gmail.com / 123456
Admin: vt2804@gmail.com / 123456

What is "Vina Elearning Management System" or VLMS?

- VLMS is a web script which was written by Hung Nguyen, using Laravel framework and MySQL.

- It uses Twitter bootstrap v3.x for enhancing GUI.

- The main purpose of this script is for creating, taking online quizzes and courses.

- Users all over the world can take free and paid quizzes, online courses to get some certificates and improve their knowledge with free practices.

- Instructor can create great online courses, share knowledge and help learners all over the world get some knowledge.

- Admin can create free and paid quizzes, manage users , instructors, quizzes, courses…

- There are many more exicting features; you can discover these features:

- Support unlimited questions and answers

- Support 7 types of question:

+ One answer (single choice) question

+ Multiple answer (multiple choices) question

+ True/False question

+ Fill in the blank question

+ Match question

+ Open question

+ Image as answers (single and multiple answers choices using image)

- Support multiple displays of the quizzes:

+ Quizzes display only one question at a time (users click next to go to the next question)

- Free and paid quizzes, courses (paid via Paypal, Stripe)

- Support view quiz’s result in website and via Email

- Support rich features for administrator.They are:

+ Users/Instructors management (creates, insert, update, delete, login)

+ Coure’s categories management (supports multiple-level categories)

+ Question’s categories management (supports multiple-level categories)

+ Question management (supports 7 types of question with supporting picture, audio, and video for questions)

+ Quizzes management (only admin can view, create, update, delete free and paid quizzes).

+ Courses management (only instructors can create, updates, delete courses)

+ Admin can view and delete courses.


XEM THÊM ==> Hướng dẫn cài đặt chi tiết


trắc nghiệm,khóa học trực tuyến,online course

trắc nghiệm,khóa học trực tuyến,online course

trắc nghiệm,khóa học trực tuyến,online course

trắc nghiệm,khóa học trực tuyến,online course

trắc nghiệm,khóa học trực tuyến,online course

trắc nghiệm,khóa học trực tuyến,online course

trắc nghiệm,khóa học trực tuyến,online course

trắc nghiệm,khóa học trực tuyến,online course

trắc nghiệm,khóa học trực tuyến,online course

trắc nghiệm,khóa học trực tuyến,online course


- Step 1: After purchased you will get VLMS source code (.zip file). Upload VLMS script (.zip file) to your host, inside public_html folder or something else. (Any hosting provider support PHP, in my case I’m using hosting service of stablehost.com).

- Step 2: Extract this .zip file to public_html folder

- Step 3: After extract you will see a “public” folder, move all files and folders in this “public” folder to folder “public_html” (public folder is inside in public_html folder, now all files and folders in public folder will not be in “pubic” folder anymore, these files and folders will be in “public_html” folder).

+ Open index.php file to edit

+ Find this line:

and change it to:


Find this line:

and change to:

- Step 4: In your hosting CPANEL, open phpMyAdmin to configure database for VLMS

+ Create a new database (any name you want, in my case is hungnguy_laravel_vlms)

+ Open laravel_vlms.sql inside database folder (database folder is inside my source code vlms.zip file, now database folder is inside public_html folder on your host), copy all content in this file, choose your new database, tab “SQL” and paste in it

Click “Go” to run query for creating all needed tables for VLMS web.

Open .env file inside public_html folder and edit your MySQL connection configuration:

Now access your domain, http://yourdomain.com will access VLMS web.

Nguồn: Topcode.vn


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