BAN QUẢN TRỊ XÁC THỰC NGUỒN CODE CHÍNH THỐNG https://drive.google.com/open?id=1-nTgk7hXMx_4JRrFRE3D8RiPWfHX-p-i
FEATURES ● Categories: Comes with 38 categories, each category has a word file with over 100 words. ● Casual Game Mode: Players can select Easy, Medium, or Hard difficulty and play a randomly generated game. ● Progress Game Mode: Players can complete levels in each category to get coins and keys. ● Category Locking: Categories can be locked and can be unlocked by the player by either spending Coins, Keys, or an IAP purchase. ● Highlight Word Hint: Players can spend coins to use the highlight word hint which highlights a random word on the board. ● Highlight Letter Hint: Players can spend coins to use the highlight letter hint which highlights the location of a letter on the board (Chosen by the player). ● AdMob and Unity Ads: Game can be setup to show Unity or AdMob banner, interstitial, and reward ads. ● Unity IAP: Players can remove ads or purchase coins on the in game store. ● Sounds: Game is setup to play background music and some sound effects. Sounds can be easily changed on the SoundManager. ● Clean, formatted, and commented code. ● Automatically saves active game state and loads it when app restarts. ● Designed for Android and iOS
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Nguồn: Topcode.vn
Đồ án Game Unity 2D - RPG Gồm báo cáo file word và game Unity.
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